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New Practice Members at Innate Wellness

We love to invite new practice members into our office and get them started on their wellness journey. Once you schedule a time to visit, we’ll call to confirm your appointment and welcome you to our practice. To save time, we’ll also work with you to get as much of the paperwork complete before you come in.

On your first day, we’ll take you on a tour of our facility and determine the care necessary for you to live free from pain. We recognize your care should reflect your specific needs, so we focus on getting to know you personally and collecting information on your first visit that will inform your care going forward.

By your second visit, we will have a customized plan for your needs and get you started on your treatment.

Watch our patients share their experiences.

A Long-Term Approach

Most people seek chiropractic care because they are experiencing pain or other acute symptoms. While we work hard to reduce pain quickly, we believe optimal wellness is the result of a multi-step holistic process, not via short-term fixes.

That’s why our approach is not just focused on solving symptoms, but we build in interactions where we pass on our knowledge and convey the importance of what we are doing. Each step of the journey, our goal is that you feel confident in the care you are receiving and understand how it is helping you maintain your body’s long-term health.

Financing Options

As you begin, we work with you to verify if you are eligible for benefits and explore payment methods. Some popular options include:

  • Health savings accounts
  • Auto accident coverage
  • Workers comp coverage
  • ChiroHealth USA discounts and extended payment options
  • CareCredit financing

We accept all major credit cards for payment and are an in-network provider for Blue Cross, Signa, and United Healthcare. We also accept medicare/Medicaid and offer a “Wellness Club” membership with an optional family plan to finance care for you and your loved ones.

Our desire is to serve you, so please reach out and ask about additional payment options, if necessary.


New Practice Members at Innate Wellness | (865) 240-4966